Job Search Accelerator
Take control of your job search & land a job in record time!

The only step-by-step job landing program with genuine life-changing results experienced by every day people - and you can be next! Get access to expert resources, signature workshops, exclusive member discounts, top certified resume writers, career coaches, and much more!
"My confidence has increased, my resume has improved and I finally feel like I am in control of my job search!"
"Before I joined the Job Search Accelerator I was trying to find a new job while employed and spending too much time navigating job boards. I was struggling with my networking and professional branding. Since becoming a member I have learned to network and also brand my skills better. Specifically, I have improved my resume, LinkedIn profile, organization, and networking and I am taking a more proactive approach to my job search. I have benefitted from the templates and additional information for getting organized during the job search!"
- Marilu, Education Media Industry
A proven pathway to landing a job WITHOUT all the frustration!
Using a job search strategy derived from headhunting and hiring insights is one of the most straightforward and effective ways to land a job. It is personally empowering, financially beneficial, can be built on something you already have, and in my experience, is the best way to eliminate the amount of time spent in the job search.
You don’t need to be a hiring guru or even have amazing writing skills.
I’m convinced anyone can apply headhunter strategy to even the most difficult job search, and land a job in 12 weeks or less.
Yes, you can do it, too.
Here's what that means to you...
No more reactive, dead-end job searching...
Would you like to be able to add some serious strategy and organization to your job search... have a bulletproof strategic plan to follow every single day of your search…
...a plan that energizes you and increases your confidence in front of networking contacts and potential employers…
...or would give you the exact templates and instructions for every aspect of your written and spoken professional brand - allowing you to appear as your best you on your resume, LinkedIn, cover letter, and in interviews?...
If that sounds like something you want for your career, stay with me because I’d like to share my simple system with you and teach you how to duplicate your results and start making serious proactive strategic job search progress towards landing a job, fast.
I have a tested and proven approach called Job Search Accelerator. It’s best-in-industry job search resources, combined with a step-by-step coaching program in which I show you how to:

Step 1:
Yes, it's possible even if you don’t have a clue about branding!

Step 2:
Conduct a Strategic Search
No more endless hours of job online job board scrolling. I'm talking' holistic, cover-all-your-bases search!

Step 3:
Interview & Land a Job You Love
Yes, landing interviews and a job is possible by doing the first 2 steps correctly!
Job Search Accelerator is for:
- Job searchers who are tired of spending hours scrolling through dead-end job boards and want to break the cycle of passive, energy-draining, job searching in order to find the right job and proactively get a foot in the door.
- Job searchers who are looking for a way to generate MUCH more response from your job applications with less time and effort.
- Job searchers who are unsure how to start the job search or shift gears in order to change things up in a dead-end job search or find new ideas for how to make more progress in the search - getting stuck with the same pool of opportunities or receiving calls from recruiters for positions completely unrelated to experience.
- Job searchers who know they need to make changes to the resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile but keep procrastinating.
- Job searchers who want to use their resume and LinkedIn brand as a marketing tool to establish networking and application credibility, attract hiring managers and recruiters, and stand out from the hundreds of other candidates in your industry.
- Professionals or job search newbies without a solid network - who don’t know how to find the right job contacts or get a foot in the door at target companies.
- Professionals who are not yet in the job search but thinking about starting the job search due to... company reorganization and looming lay-offs, career re-entry after caring for an elderly parent or taking time off to raise children, graduating from college, grad school, or any other program that has taken you out of the workforce, temporary unemployment circumstances, and more.
- Job searchers who are active on LinkedIn but aren’t being contacted by any employers or networking leads.
Effective branding and outreach strategy can make you standout in your desired industry - and I will show you exactly how inside my program.
Job Search Accelerator is about finally having the insights and strategy to be in control of your job search and having all the answers to the questions holding you back… to reboot your job search knowing exactly what to do, when, and how!

STOP doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results!
If you have been stuck in your job search for more than 6 months, or if you are just starting your search but without a rock-solid plan, then it’s time to hit the pause button on your search. It’s time to choose a better approach. Instead of wandering aimlessly in your search, and wondering why you aren’t landing more interviews or offers, why not make up your mind to make a change for the better. Your search strategy can make or break the amount of time you are stuck in your job search.
Commit to doing it the right way, with expert guidance and tactics.

I'm Noelle.
Why should you listen to me?
Good question! Here’s why I’m qualified to teach you how to take control of your job search and land job offers.
My name is Noelle. You might already know me from following my NG Career Strategy blog or from attending one of my workshops, or perhaps you subscribe to my email newsletter.
Stuck in a dead-end,
dream-crushing job search
After I graduated from business school, I found myself in a painfully frustrating 6 month job search. I was losing steam and didn’t know if it would ever end. I had officially hit my career low-point!
Became a Retained Executive Recruiter & Learned the Hiring Trade
Once I started headhunting I started to learn everything I needed to know about the inner workings of recruiting including what they look for when scanning resumes and identifying talent. I received a first-class education in hiring, LinkedIn, and coaching candidates through the job search in order to secure a job offer.
Landed dream job in record time using headhunter insights
When I left recruiting I left on my terms - changing careers and achieving a promotion! I found the opportunity I wanted, created an attractive resume and LinkedIn brand, applied for the job through the most optimum channel, successfully pitched my value proposition during the phone, and multiple in-person interviews, negotiated a higher salary and landed the job - all in less than a month!
Help clients get unstuck and
land jobs in record time
After landing my dream job, I was eventually drawn back to what I loved most about my headhunter past - helping coach lost job seekers through the job search. I decided that my passion was to inspire hope in job seekers; to help them take control of the job search and land jobs the same way I did - using insider insights.
I was where you are...
Before I spent time in the recruiting profession, I was an absolute job search mess…
After I spent time in the shoes of an Executive Recruiter, I quickly discovered that the job search did not have to be as painful and long as it had been with all of my prior career moves. I had a major aha moment! And I used everything I had learned to quickly land a job when my recruiting work no longer fulfilled me professionally.
I felt completely empowered and used my experience to help empower senior executive level job searchers in my next role with an executive job help website. The more executives I supported, the more I realized that there was something that wasn’t clicking with executives as they unsuccessfully attempted to navigate the job search. I discovered that there was a fundamental misunderstanding around how to search given the latest trends, and how to brand one’s self given the inner-workings of the hiring entity.
Around the same time, I was invited by a group across the country to speak to a group of college graduates about how to job search effectively. The presentation was so successful that I knew I was on to something - and that people at all career levels and across all industries NEEDED MY HELP.
And while all this was going on, I started helping family and friends with resumes on the side - and they started landing REALLY GOOD JOBS!
So I started NG Career Strategy as a way to share my knowledge and teach job seekers my headhunter-based approach - AND to help people land job offers!
I have coached hundreds of clients to success - better jobs, impossible career changes, maneuvers around ageism blockers, topping up experience to look more experienced, Linkedin evangelization to result in increased recruiter pings, and the list goes on…
Some clients need a simple resume tweak to fix their search. Others need a full-on makeover in the job search approach to do the trick. And others need a confidence reboot to recharge the search motivation. Whatever your job search dysfunction, I’ve got the tools to diagnose and fix.
And the best part is...
The skills I teach, are good for the rest of your career and your future job moves: branding, pitching, organizing, searching, networking, interviewing, engaging recruiters, LinkedIn profile optimization, LinkedIn networking, LinkedIn searching, and resume writing… everything you learn through my coaching is repeatable.
"My job search process finally has structure and this has given me a sense of control. It has also helped to build my confidence."
"The challenges I was facing in my job search before becoming a member included packaging my professionalism, networking, and pivoting to a new sector. Specifically I was struggling with strategy, branding, interviewing, and organization. The Job Search Accelerator has helped me to learn that the resume is important but shouldn’t be the main focus of the job search. The biggest benefit this membership has had on my job search is knowing that there is someone competent in my corner. The sense of orientation when you move out of your comfort zone into a new job search is important."
- Hillary, Global Marketer
How Your Life Will Change
While seeing an end to your job search may be your current goal, it isn’t the end goal - it’s a means to a better future.
By taking control of your job search now and landing the best job for you today, you are also taking control of your future career moves. My clients who have committed to improving their search experienced the following positive changes:

“Five years later, I am celebrating my 3rd promotion with the same employer. Talk about building a fulfilling career path with an employer you love!"
"Using Noelle’s approach, I was able to leverage my refreshed cover letter and resume and networking contacts to make a career change and land a job interview with the company at the top of my search list. Thorough preparation, including company research, interview question prep, and communicating my skills in a concise manner helped me to secure an offer. From there, I was able to negotiate a higher starting salary. Five years later, I am celebrating my 3rd promotion with the same employer - talk about building a fulfilling career path with an employer you love! Without Noelle's help, I wouldn't have even landed the initial interview. Her coaching has paid for itself several times over. If I ever make another career move, she's my first call."
- Mike, Consumer Goods Industry
The Job Search Has Changed
At the end of 2018, I made the decision to teach people how to land jobs using the unique formula I have refined over the previous seven years.
A lot has changed...
Back in the day, you could simply build upon your college career services-proofed resume and submit to the appropriate contact with ease. You could even cold-call the hiring manager and have a conversation about why you were hire-worthy. The interview call-backs would roll in because there was no competition and your resume was sufficient.
Unfortunately, this just doesn’t work anymore. It’s an outdated approach because there is too much competition, and too many gatekeepers to screen candidates out.
You end up spending months and months applying for jobs and you do not hear back.
To make matters worse, with all the different makes of Applicant Tracking Systems, and the subjective nature of resumes, you can literally spend months and even years reworking your resume to no end - without so much as a peep from hiring companies!
It’s enough to drive one crazy!
Then there is the biggest problem of all…
You think you are not hearing back from employers because you are not qualified; that you are not worthy of a position at your appropriate level or even a step above.
You start to lose steam and put more time into online job searching - to find something, anything that will require your bare minimum qualifications… you stop going after opportunities that excite you and start settling for anything. You may even decide to stay in a job that makes you miserable, just to keep your paycheck. If you’re currently unemployed, you’re experiencing an extra layer of stress from not having a paycheck. Meanwhile, you are starting to lose your sense of value and your interest in the things you love.
When did it all get so complicated?
When your job search isn’t working, you shouldn’t continue doing more of the same - you will do more of what doesn’t work and end up even more burnt-out and frustrated.
If you’re like most job searchers you feel frustrated by your lack of call-backs and overwhelmed by all of the potential things you could be doing wrong.
You’re tired of seeing other professionals advance and develop their careers while you struggle to make even one move out of your current situation.
You’ve been told the key to success is networking and being on LinkedIn.
You’re supposed to exude a smart professional brand to those in your industry - in hopes that they’ll want to hire you or introduce you to the hiring manager.
This is all on top of trying to figure out how to make your resume reach a human!
How on earth are you supposed to look and act the part, especially if you aren’t feeling very confident as a result of your months of dead-end searching and resume rejection?
What if I told you there’s a smarter way to land a job, an approach that goes completely against all common job search advice…
A Smarter Job Search Approach
I developed this smarter job search approach after years of teaching clients how to manage all the moving pieces of the job search.
Clients using my approach have gone on to land jobs in industries and roles as diverse as high-tech, startup, legal, academia, marketing, finance, healthcare administration, nursing, project management, C-suite, consumer goods, IT, software solutions, big data, operations, management, analytics, graphic design, food and beverages, communications, building and grounds, maintenance, manufacturing, banking - you name it!

“Noelle’s approach and guidance set me on a career path I would have never dreamt possible, while also giving me the skills to better my resume and career search down the road. Worth every penny!

Working with Noelle right out of college was the smartest thing I ever did. In the competitive job market, having steady work experience in high school & college was not cutting it. After a few months of frustration and no leads even on very entry positions, Noelle helped me revamp my resume & LinkedIn, and really helped me tailor my job search to these skills, while also stretching the positions I was applying for. She helped me focus my skills to more detailed positions, and boosted my confidence that I really was qualified for these other roles, but it was a matter of showing it from skills in previous roles. The first job I landed was a contract role at Google and after a year there, I was offered interviews for a full-time position in the office. In my 7 years at Google, I was able to further hone my skills, received multiple promotions, traveled to other countries & offices for work, and all along the way was headhunted by other Tech companies. Noelle’s approach and guidance set me on a career path I would have never dreamt possible, while also giving me the skills to better my resume and career search down the road. Worth every penny!"
- Ruby, High Tech Industry

"Noelle is very detailed in her approach and is highly responsive and interactive with members. Very helpful!."
Peter, Health & Medical Industry

"I know that the work I am doing now is an investment in how I approach my future job searches and networking!"
Jen, Non-profit Industry
"It helped me so much to find the job that I recently started."
- Lori, Career Changer
Rober Meier, President of Job Market Experts, often reports on the state of the employment industry based on the Department of Labor statistics. Even when there are millions of jobs available, “only the Top 2% of candidates make it to the interview!” This is shocking!
This means that even if there are multiple jobs available for someone like you, landing offers for these jobs, is another story.
Not only are qualified people not landing the most optimum roles, they are also not even making it to the interview process so that they can be considered! Yikes!
That’s not what I want for you and your career. I want to teach you a new approach to your strategy, designed specifically for the current environment and hiring roadblocks.
Don’t Wait. Sign Up Now and Let’s Begin Your Job Search Together.
How Can You Avoid Job Search Failure?
The first and most important thing you can do is HAVE A BULLETPROOF STRATEGY.
Strategy is key. Once you have your strategy, you need to implement the strategy using industry best practices.
Why are job search industry best practices so important? Applying industry best practices is important because even the best strategy in the world won’t hold up without an attractive, high-impact, resume or an optimized LinkedIn profile, (to name a few).
You must be able to confidently apply best practices to your search in order to implement your strategy.
Without an understanding of best practices, you are practically guaranteed to end up in a toxic cycle of confusion, uncertainty, and anxiety. Once this starts to creep in, you will find yourself completely off-track of your strategy. Instead you will be chasing your tail with activities like endless resume revisions and job board scrolling (which are total job search killers).
Unfortunately nearly every person who starts out on a strategic path, intending to land a job quickly, loses focus and gets sidetracked by trying to figure out the best way to execute the basics, or by online search distractions. This results in a once-motivated job searcher burning valuable steam and becoming completely burnt out by the search, and quitting.
"The membership benefits I have enjoyed the most are having Noelle as an encouraging mentor, and being part of her members-only LinkedIn networking group."
"Before becoming a member I lacked direction navigating the job search in general. I was struggling with job search strategy, LinkedIn, staying organized, resume writing, and networking. As a result of becoming a member I have experienced improvements in my LinkedIn, networking, organization, clarity and focus. I have increased my networking contacts and job leads. I have more clarity around the direction of my job search. I feel like I am in control of my job search and am taking a more proactive approach. My resume has improved and I am more confident submitting applications."
- Melissa, Account Manager
Members Will Receive
Access to Noelle's Bulletproof Strategy, a Plan to Follow, & Industry Best Practices
Unlimited access to templates, guides, checklists, tools, strategic networking brief, interview Q&A practice scripts, and much more!
Effortlessly tackle all of the moving pieces - Noelle's 8-step roadmap - using Noelle's custom job-landing resources.
Watch and learn Noelle's proven headhunter-inspired method first-hand - full of tips, tricks and more!
Receive 15% off NG Career Strategy resume writing and coaching services!
Expert resume critique and tips from a Certified Resume Writing Expert.
All members receive an exclusive invitation to Noelle's Members-Only LinkedIn networking group for lifelong support and networking opportunities!
Know exactly what to do and when to do it each day of the week using Noelle's strategic job search schedule and accountability checklist.
You will be in control of your interview. Boost your confidence with the most thorough interview resource prep around!
In the first 9 weeks of membership, you'll receive encouragement and e-coaching from Noelle so you are gaining momentum from day 1!
"I was blown away by the quality of the materials!"
- Katherine, Re-entry Job Searcher
Here’s Exactly What You Get as a Member
The foundation of the program are the multimedia workshops, where I personally guide you through each of the key steps to landing a job you love.
There are eight (8) modules in total - each module aligned to one step of Noelle's Signature Search Roadmap. Each module is broken up into concise courses with supporting resources, templates, etc. so you can work at your own pace. I recommend you complete one module per week (a very realistic goal)!
All the workshops are video presentations you can watch online inside the NG private members area, or download and take them with you as portable files on your smartphone, tablet or laptop.
The content is focused on how to start moving quickly in the direction of landing a job, with step-by-step instructions and actions for you to take throughout, so you not only learn, you take action and get real results.

"Hi Noelle, it's been some time since we worked together in 2017. You'll be pleased to know (and thanks to your help and guidance), I landed an Account Manager role at a digital agency shortly thereafter and have been working on a few large B2B enterprise accounts...and dare I say, crushing it ever since!"
- Matthew, Financial Services Industry
What you'll find in each module:

Search Strategy to Land a Job from Day One
The first module focuses on the BIG PICTURE - the overall strategy you are going to use as the basis for your job search. I share my Search Strategy Roadmap and walk you through the step-by-step for creating a bulletproof search strategy. I also take you through a detailed walk-through of my proven approach to tackling the job search.
In this module I reveal:
- How to quickly set up your industry-specific job search strategy using my exclusive Search Strategy Roadmap
- Search Strategy Roadmap Template
- How to quickly make decisions about multiple job search directions/opportunities in a way that is most optimal to your current situation and future career goals
- VIDEO WORKSHOP: Job Search Part 1 - Getting Started, Reinventing Your Brand & Telling Your Story - A proven step-by-step process for kick-starting your job search on day 1 or in the midst of a dead-end search
- VIDEO WORKSHOP: Job Search Part 2 - Accelerating Your Search Strategy - How to turn up the volume on your job search and take a truly proactive approach to owning your search
By the end of the first module you will have created your Search Strategy Roadmap and you will have a clear big picture and tactical idea of what you need to manage your job search from start to finish, in the most effective way possible.

Clarity Mastery: How to Multiply Your Industry Contacts and Opportunities by Getting Laser-Focused
The second module is a direct follow up to the Strategy Module. In this module we dive in head-first to ensure that your targets are set and your focus is 100% on point.
In this module I reveal:
- The top tool for conducting market research in your target industry so you know exactly who to contact and where to look for job opportunities not found on job boards
- How to conduct strategic Job Market Research & Analysis in a way that uncovers every opportunity that is a fit for YOU
- How to double and even triple the amount of companies for which you are a fit - for both near-term jobs and long-term career growth opportunities
- How to double and even triple the amount of industry contacts with whom you can network. This includes NEW, never-before contacted, industry contacts!
- VIDEO TUTORIAL: How to find high value contacts on LinkedIn
By the end of the 2nd module you will have completed your market research and identified your targets for moving forward. You will also have the most exhaustive and robust list of industry contacts and target companies. In short - you will have laser-clear direction on where to search, and highly increased chances of uncovering many more hidden opportunities.

Branding Mastery: A Step-by-Step Process and Template for Creating or Reinventing Your Brand (Including LinkedIn Profile Writing)
This jam-packed module focuses on creating an optimized professional brand - so you can be confident in how you are presenting yourself to your network, employers, and recruiters.
In this module I reveal:
- How to create an optimized professional brand that positions you as the best fit for your target employers
- VIDEO WORKSHOP: Repackaging your brand for a career change - Great for career changers but also for individuals making career pivots, and individuals in need of general branding help!
- A simple elevator pitch format and how to develop your pitch into your compelling story so that you are communicating everything future employers need to hear to consider you an attractive candidate
- VIDEO WORKSHOP: The Ultimate LinkedIn - Profile Writing Course - In this workshop I will show you how to write your LinkedIn profile in an optimized way that attracts recruiters, hiring managers, and key networking contacts - including my downloadable LinkedIn profile writing template
- VIDEO TUTORIAL - How to Create the Perfect LinkedIn Headline - so you can instantly stand out in recruiter and hiring manager searches. Noelle will construct multiple LinkedIn headlines for multiple career scenarioes so you master the strategy and step-by-step writing process behind high-impact headline creation
- How to craft Power Statements to accompany your elevator pitch and quickly communicate your value and strengths.
- My formula for crafting a career changer elevator pitch

Organization & Tracking Techniques for Staying Motivated and On Track in the Daily Search Grind
After you establish your professional brand I’ll show you how to organize your job search in a way that keeps you free of distractions or discouragement. You’ll receive access to my organizational spreadsheets, schedules, and more - all in the name of staying on track!
These simple organization strategies can turn you from an average applicant and networker with some success, to an A-List searcher with increased application and networking response rates.
In this module I reveal:
- A schedule of daily & weekly job search activities that includes networking, recruiter outreach, application preparation, branding tweaks, and submitting applications.
- The best days of the week for performing certain, specific job search activities in order to optimize hiring manager and networking prospect response rates
- The top ways to reclaim positivity for your job search and stay positive in the midst of a grueling job search.
- My favorite networking roadmap and tracking system for staying on top of your networking leads.
- My favorite job search tracking system so that you don’t lose track of valuable leads, application status or follow up timelines

LinkedIn and Networking Mastery: Accelerating the Online & Offline Job Search
Searching is the name of the game in this module. You’ll learn the art of searching like a headhunter - leaving no stone unturned in an effort to conduct the most thorough, and strategic search you’ve ever experienced! This is where the rubber hits the road and everything you’ve learned to this point, will converge. You’ll start to see near-immediate results as you pull together all of the previous modules into a highly robust search.
In this module I reveal:
- How to own your job search by taking a highly proactive and focused approach to finding opportunities not posted on job boards. Your job search will no longer own you!
- An approach to hunting for jobs that will double and even triple the amount of jobs you find in your target industry as well as some addition prime online search territory outside LinkedIn
- VIDEO WORKSHOP: The Ultimate Linkedin - Profile Optimization & LinkedIn Job Search Mastery where I will share all of my LinkedIn search tips and tricks
- Proven networking tactics that will result in valuable meetings with key industry contacts
- How to turn cold LinkedIn leads into your greatest search allies
- How to leverage informational interviews to create foot-in-the-door opportunities with more key contacts and hiring managers inside your target companies
- My distraction-free LinkedIn job search checklist that will help you stay on track while also performing the most high-yield search activities
- My Networking 101 - Guide & Checklist
- LinkedIn messaging templates that will increase your chances of landing informational interviews with the right company contacts
- My top 50 Informational Interview questions and secret weapon for generating more leads from your contact before, during, and after your informational interviews
- How to create and use a 1-pager Networking Brief in place of your resume to communicate your brand in networking scenarios. This will greatly reduce the amount of time you spend rewriting your resume as a result of ineffective networking meetings

Resume Mastery: Writing a stand-out, ATS-Optimized, recruiter-scannable, hiring manager attractive Resume
Once you’ve started searching and collecting your market research, you’re ready to write the perfect resume. The resume can be one of those job search black holes that people tend to write, re-write, tweak, etc. as a reaction to rejection emails or non-response from applications. Creating the perfect resume has become even more challenging with the latest in ATS technology designed to scan, parse information and screen out the non-optimized resume. Constant auto-rejection only leads to a dead-end of writing and rewriting, creating a HUGE time-waster for your job search.
At this stage in the game, you want to focus on perfecting your resume ONCE and then doing minor resume tailoring for each job application. We will round out your resume brand using the insights gathered from your online and offline searching. Only after you’ve reviewed job descriptions, talked with strategic networking contacts and analyzed the market for your target job (modules 1-5), are you ready to write your resume.
In this module I reveal:
- VIDEO WORKSHOP: Resume Writing Masterclass - Everything you need to know about writing an optimized resume
- How to create a branded resume that will perform 10x better than your current resume
- The number one under-estimated resource for crafting the perfect resume in a way that positions you as the best candidate for the job. I will also teach you how to use this resource to create fit for your job application.
- Two downloadable, ready-to-use, format and font-optimized, resume templates that are optimized for recruiter eyescan and on-trend with today’s top resume design
- How to make your resume keyword-ready so you can make it past the 6-second eye-scan and ATS scan and speak to the hiring manager in a language they’ll find uber attractive
- Everything you need to know about resume ATS optimization so that you can make it past the online application black holes (70% of companies use ATS’s to screen out job candidates so you DEFINITELY need to be ATS optimized)
- My 3 step formula for writing high-impact, achievement-focused resume bullets so that your best content is popping off the page and speaking to hiring managers’ greatest pain points

Apply for Jobs by Submitting a Cohesive Application Package - Branded Cover Letter & Tailored Resume
After your resume is finalized, comes the easy part – applying! The best-case scenario for submitting a job application is through a networking contact. However, there are times where you will not have a contact to help you get a foot in the door. The online application process consists of:
Resume tailoring or creating a UNIQUE resume for every job application. You want to show potential employers that you have the most relevant work experience compared to the hundreds of other applicants competing for the same job.
In order to submit a perfectly tailored resume, you’ll need to understand the hiring manager’s mindset. Careful analysis should be conducted. Most online applications will also request a cover letter. Just like your resume, the cover letter requires ATS optimization. It also requires tailoring and keyword strategy.
In this module I reveal:
- VIDEO TUTORIAL: How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter - the secret to writing a cover letter that attracts hiring manager interest
- My cover letter writing guide and step by step process for quickly crafting a cover letter that works.
- Two of my favorite downloadable Cover Letter Templates - branded to the resume templates I share in the Resume Writing Module
- How to create a brand-consistent cover letter that will place you ahead of the competition within the first 3 seconds of being viewed
- VIDEO TUTORIAL: Quick Resume Tailoring - How to tailor your resume for every role using a quick, effortless approach that will keep you focused and distraction-free. I walk you through tailoring from start to finish!
- ATS Checklist so your resume is Applicant Tracking System or ATS-compliant and your chances of reaching a human are greatly increased!
- How to prepare your job application in a way that leaves nothing to chance and covers all of your critical candidate bases

Ace the Interview
Landing the right job interviews is the culmination of your job search - a true sign that your search strategy is working. Landing interviews is proof that your resume, LinkedIn, and networking efforts have paid off! The end goal of the interview is to receive a job offer. It’s important to be as prepared as possible for every interview.
In this module I reveal:
- VIDEO WORKSHOP: Knock Out Your Nerves & Ace Your Interview Masterclass - Everything you need to know about preparing for your big interview
- VIDEO TUTORIAL: How to address red flags in the interview
- My interview preparation checklist so that you leave nothing to chance during your interview.
- A Hiring Manager Needs Analysis Checklist so you can speak directly to the hiring manager’s pain points and position yourself as the best person for the job.
- How to prepare answers for all of the questions you may receive with 120 standard interview questions including questions on salary expectations, and other tough questions you might be dreading.
- The ultimate behavioral interview Q&A worksheet with the most comprehensive list of questions, across a variety of behavioral categories. Worksheet includes easy-to-answer structure guide so you will know how to prepare and deliver answers for the behavioral interview style.
- How to prepare for the first and second interview as well as phone screens and video interviews.
- Tons of scripts for crafting the perfect questions and answers for your big interview
- What's Your Salary Expectation - 8-step guide on how to answer this tricky interview question
- My coveted Panel Interview Strategy Sheet which will help you map out your entire interview including insightful, unique questions to ask multiple interviewers
- Multiple downloadable Interview Thank You Email templates for a variety of interview scenarioes
- How to follow up after your interview using best practices and interview follow up writing templates for easy copy/paste follow up
Plus! - Checklists, Templates, Guides & Task Sheets
The modules include checklists and task sheets that give you the exact steps to take to implement what you learn. It's time for you to get out there and own your job search following the step-by-step instructions I give you in every module.
Ticking the box as you get each step done is an important motivation and accountability tool.This way you can be absolutely clear on where to focus each week!
Get Instant Access to the Accelerator
Search Booster $45 Per Month Billed Monthly | Career Pro $93 3 Months of Access Billed Every 3 Months $219 | Strategy Guru $950 1 Year of Access $5,454 |
Access to Noelle's Entire Vault of Job Search Strategy Resources | |||
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Enrollment in 9-Week Job Landing Bootcamp | |||
Lifetime Access to Noelle's Private LinkedIn Networking Group | |||
Resume Review with Certified Professional Resume Writer | |||
15% Discount on All NG Services | |||
Monthly LIVE Q&A and Accountability Zoom Session with Noelle | |||
Recruiter Masterclass Strategy Course & BONUS Module | |||
List of Top 350 Executive Recruiting Firms | |||
Recruiter Outreach Email Templates & Networking Guide | |||
1 on 1 Tailored Strategy Coaching Call with Noelle | |||

"I'm currently working through your Job Search Accelerator modules and learning so much! I really feel like this is the first job hunt where I know what I'm doing."
- Joe, MBA
"I highly recommend it. The Accelerator saved me a lot of time and money."
- Carrie, Stay at Home Mom Returning to Work
"Becoming a member has helped me think through my current role and value-add. I have also received more clarity around the direction of my job search."
"I joined the Job Search Accelerator when I was just starting my search and in need of help writing a polished, updated resume, cover letter & LinkedIn profile. I hadn’t job searched in a long time so wanted to look current. I also needed help with branding. Becoming a member has helped me think through my current role and value-add. I have also received more clarity around the direction of my job search."
- Katy, Finance Executive
The Job Search Accelerator is NOT for everyone, and truth be told we’d love to help you figure out if it’s not right for you BEFORE you join rather than waste your time. So, here's what you need to know...
Individuals who are new to the job search and want to know exactly what to do, when, and how - and therefore be as efficient as possible in implementing a strategy
Career changers or pivoters who want to make a new career move and are aware that it takes a little extra branding work to achieve this as quickly as possible
Job searchers who have been in a long and discouraging job search who are willing to do the work it takes to finally put an end to dead-end searching and start feeling confident and in-control
Job searchers who have tried other member sites like BlueSteps, The Ladders, or IvyExec with the intent to work, but realized there was no concrete actionable path to landing a job - therefore feeling like all memberships are a bust. WE are VERY different!
Current job searchers who have committed to actively searching for several months and know they need some extra leveraging of contacts, branding, and expert strategy - and are willing to do whatever takes to achieve this
Job Searchers who aren’t just going to watch the videos and never implement. We provide the training and resources, but you still need to do the work!
Job searchers looking for an easy job-landing solution - if you think just by joining a paid career site membership is going to produce a job, we’re not the right choice for you!
Anyone looking for a quick fix or not willing to dedicate time to the job search. A solid job search strategy takes time and effort to implement
Someone who is looking for a done for you solution. We’re not a job placement firm, we're not personal assistants, and we don't land your job for you!
Chronic job board surfers - people who are not open to networking, branding, planning, or implementing a plan. While we get it that these activities may be outside your comfort zone, we also know that without them, your job search will be near impossible to tackle in the most effective way possible. If you're absolutely not open to trying these tactics out, then our approach will most definitely not work for you.
People expecting guaranteed results - we know what we teach works (because we've seen committed members succeed) but we can’t guarantee specific results from following our advice. I hate to break it to you, but no one can make that promise!
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